Pelliron Universal LLC

We believe that perfect service is all things that most helps the trader to feel comfortable and safe.

After a number of established successful analytical and investment projects, it was decided to create the perfect service for trading. Company Pelliron Universal LLC has become the embodiment of all the experience and understanding of the needs of traders and investors. As the founders of the company are only traders and brokers from different spheres of investment, we try to combine all their experience in the service for the trader (the main participants and users of brokerage services).

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% Deposit
up to 48% per annum on the active account


active cash
bonus on your trading account


trading without swaps


Why People Choose Us

Instant order execution

we make every effort to fast and qualitative performance of a trader orders the execution of orders


We guarantee the safety of customer accounts


We are always online for our clients, 24 hours support from company's specialists

Our Best Services

Double Hit Program

Affiliate program provides the customer an additional 100% of the funds to the account from the broker.

1+1 Partnership Program

Affiliate program that provide the customer an additional 100% of the funds to the account of the broker. Charging is carried out in stages to 10%. Each subsequent charging is carried out only after making the previous lots.

Trading Account Insurance Program

Unique affiliate Trading Account Insurance Program means that any trader can hedge trading account from loss. If conditions of the affiliate program after 30 days is fulfilled and if there is a loss on the trading account then trader receives a guaranteed 100% compensation in the amount of losing trades.

VIP Club

Welcome to Pelliron V.I.P. Club! V.I.P. status can afford any client with deposit from 100 000 USD. 48% per annum.

Account Priority

Priority status - assigned to accounts with a deposit amount of more than 10,000 USD.

Company's mission:

Create the ideal conditions for a comfortable trading in international financial markets.

Company's service:

Pelliron company has a perfect view of the service based on their extensive experience in trading. We believe perfect service all the things that most helps the trader to feel comfortable and safe.

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Securities and the stock market where made their purchase and sale have its origins in promissory fairs that were already known in the XIII century. Forms and procedures of trading on the stock securities market changed over the centuries but in the end it all comes down to buying and selling specific documents of a well-defined value which can rise and fall over time.

Market of the complaint of the stock market - stocks, bonds, futures and options. Also the stock market securities have a division on the motion of the type of securities: primary and secondary markets. New securities sold in the primary market, ie the first time a company sells part of its shares to make a profit, and when the holders of those shares are sold to third parties, shares go to the secondary market.

Shares - securities providing the holder the right to ownership of a share of the joint-stock company to make a profit from the activity of the company and participate in decision-making within the company.

Stocks are more common because almost all major companies withdraw their shares on the stock market securities and bonds tend to bring to the market in an unstable time for the company.

Futures - a contract for the specific conditions of sale / purchase of a specific asset at a specific date in the future but at a price set at the time of the transaction. Futures have a number of features:

  • A fixed quantity of goods specified in the original contract.
  • A specific period of time. Delivery of goods is carried out at a particular time when the buyer can exchange money for goods. Also the trading period is limited: after expiring deals are made on another delivery date.

Our company offers CFD trading on stocks and futures on major US indices: on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX).

CFD (Contract for Difference) - Contract for difference is a trading tool in the securities market which allows you to profit from changes in the price of the underlying asset. This mechanism exists as price changes such as a share, a price change coincides with at CFD. But when trading CFD you do not get those rights which would have received with the purchase of securities, such as CFD for shares, does not give you the right to receive profits but does not require registration procedures rights to these shares. Thus the purpose of such an instrument - speculation on the Forex market.

Thus the securities and the stock market is used for the treatment of shares, futures, bonds, options, and anyone can operate on it who has a trading account. Getting access to CFD trading on securities and the stock market you can via opening an account with our company.

Market share is a type of stock exchange and operates completely in the same way, but the subject of the treatment - only stocks. Market share is the most common due to the fact that the shares on the stock exchange prices for paper are changing faster and more frequently than at each other stock exchanges such as futures or options. Our company offers trading on the CFD on the New York Stock Exchange shares where you can perform CFD transactions in shares of large US companies.

There are several definitions for the concept of the forex exchange market:

  • his sphere of economic relations that manifested in the sale of foreign exchange assets (foreign currency and securities in foreign currency) as well as operations related to capital investment in foreign currency;
  • a financial center, where the focus operations on purchase and sale of currencies on the basis of supply and demand for them;
  • a set of authorized banks, investment companies, brokerage houses, stock exchanges, foreign banks engaged in foreign exchange transactions;
  • a set of communication systems linking together banks from different countries engaged in international currency transactions.

Simply put, the foreign exchange market - a market which carry out foreign exchange transactions, ie exchanged currency of one country for currency of another country's currency exchange rate. Exchange rate - is the relative price of currencies of the two countries or the currency of one country expressed in monetary units of another country. The foreign exchange market is a part of the global world financial market, in which there is a set of operations associated with the global movement of capital.

Types of markets:

Foreign Exchange Market can be international or domestic. Domestic currency market - a market that operates within a single country. The international currency market - a global market, covering the currency markets all over the world. It has no specific site where bids are made. All operations on it are carried out through a system of cable and satellite channels, providing communication world regional currency markets. Among the regional markets today can be distinguished Asian (with centers in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Melbourne), European (London, Frankfurt- am Main, Zurich), the US (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles) markets.

Currencies are traded in the foreign exchange market are carried out on the basis of market exchange rates are set based on supply and demand on the market and under the influence of various macroeconomic data. International currency markets is the Forex market. Also the currency markets can be divided into exchange-traded and OTC. Exchange currency market - is an organized market where trades are made through the stock exchange - a special enterprise which establishes trade rules and ensure the conditions for the organization of trade in these rules.

OTC foreign exchange market - a market in which there are defined certain rules of trade and the sales operations take place without reference to a particular place of trade, as is the case with the stock exchange.

Usually OTC foreign exchange market is organized by special companies that provide services for the buying and selling of currencies which may or may not be members of the Stock Exchange. Trading in this market is now carried out mainly via the Internet. In terms of trade over the counter foreign exchange market is far superior to the exchange. The most liquid in the world is considered to be the international OTC currency market Forex. It operates around the clock and in all financial centers of the world (from New York to Tokyo).

Functions of the foreign exchange market.

The foreign exchange market - is the most important platform for providing the normal course of the world economic processes.

The main macroeconomic features of the foreign exchange market are:

  • creating entities currency relations conditions for the timely implementation of international payments on current and capital estimates and assistance thanks to the development of foreign trade;
  • providing conditions and mechanisms for the implementation of monetary and economic policy;
  • diversification of foreign exchange reserves;
  • the formation of the exchange rate under the influence of supply and demand;
  • a mechanism for protection against foreign exchange risks and speculative capital investment.

This feature provides a profit from currency trading participants of the foreign exchange market.

Influence of news:

The main tools of the trade in the foreign exchange market are various currencies. Exchange rates are formed under the influence of supply and demand in the market. A lot of fundamental factors affecting currency in addition to courses related to the global economic situation, the developments in the national economy, with political decisions.

News relating to these factors can be obtained from various sources:

  • reports showing the level of economic development of the state.

The more stable the economy develops, the more stable its currency. According to the statistics in emerging countries located in official sources with some regularity it is possible to predict how to behave currency in the near future.
This data includes:

  • GDP;
  • unemployment;
  • return on capital;;
  • consumer price index;
  • PPI;
  • propensity to consume;
  • created jobs outside agriculture;
  • housing and others.

Is no less important indicator of the level of interest rates is the national governing bodies of credit policies. In the European Union it is the ECB (European Central Bank) - The European Central Bank, the US - the Federal Reserve System (FRS), Japan - Japan's central bank (Bank of Japan), UK - The Central Bank of England (Bank of England), in Switzerland - The Swiss national Bank (Swiss national Bank), etc.

The level of interest rates determined at meetings of the national central bank. Then the rate decision is published in the official sources. If the central bank reduces interest rates - the money supply in the country is growing and there is depreciation of the national currency in relation to other world currencies. If the interest rate rises, there is a strengthening of the national currency.

Speeches of leaders, leading economists and analysts.

Seriously can reverse the trend, and even a separate statement saying the country's leader.
Topics of speeches, after which the exchange rate may change:

  • analysis of the situation in the forex market;
  • changes in monetary and economic policy;
  • adoption of fiscal policy;
  • forecasts of the economic situation, etc.

All these news are published in various sources. Basically, the news published in the national media and in the language of the country where the news comes out. Monitoring for all the news at once to one person is very difficult and is likely to miss some important event that could turn the whole situation on the market. We are guided by its basic principle - to create the best conditions for customers to trade - we try to select the most important news from around the world and publish them on our website. Department of analysts daily monitors the news on most national and international information sources and releases those had the potential to affect the currency exchange rates. These are the top stories got in our news line. News line is designed specifically for forex traders and those who are interested in obtaining information on the world currency markets in real time 24 hours a day, 7 day a week, 365 days a year.


Protection and security of all the stored financial and personal information of Binomo clients and website visitors is the company’s top priority. The rules below (hereinafter — the "Rules") describe how Pelliron Universal Inc. (hereinafter — the "Company") collects, uses, stores and protects the personal information of its clients.By creating an account at our company's website, (hereinafter — the "Website"), the client gives his consent to the collection and use of his personal information by the Company in the form described by the Rules.

Collection of personal information

When the client opens a real or a demo account at the Website, the Company collects all the information necessary for transferring, storing and protecting the client's funds and assets, and for providing the client with necessary services, via the Website server. Personal data collected by the Company include:

  • The data required for communication with the client (name, e-mail address, registration address, phone number, date of birth, and other information collected during the registration process);
  • The data required for communication with the client (name, e-mail address, registration address, phone number, date of birth, and other information collected during the registration process);
  • The data on all activities and operations on the client's account;
  • The data collected indirectly through use of the Website, which include IP (client's Internet Protocol address), browser type, ISP (internet service provider), transaction history and timestamps;
  • The Company may also collect other kind of information recorded by the WebsIte server (such as the interface language, browser type, time of last visit) for the purpose of analysis and in order to block access to the Website for some individuals.

Collection of personal information

The Company can use the client’s data to:

  • verify the identity of the client;
  • process non trading and trading operations;
  • prevent money laundering;
  • inform the client about the Company's services and products which may be of interest to the client;
  • provide other services envisaged by the agreement between the Company and the client;
  • store the database of the client's trading account;
  • execute statistical analysis to provide the client with appropriate services and products.


The Company collects all the non-personally identifiable information that becomes available when the clinet uses the Website.

The Company uses cookie-files to provide the operation of the specific functions of the Website.Cookie-file is a text files that is stored in the client's computer when they enter the Website. This file allows the client to use the Web Site in future without entering the information again and allows the Company to identify the client when he returns to the Web Site.

The Company uses cookie-files to provide the operation of the specific functions of the Website.Cookie-file is a text files that is stored in the client's computer when they enter the Website. This file allows the client to use the Web Site in future without entering the information again and allows the Company to identify the client when he returns to the Web Site.

Protection of personal data

All the data provided by the client shall be considered confidential, will only be distributed within the Company and will not be disclosed to third parties without legitimate reasons.
Client data can be used:

  • for processing by any employee of the Company in cases when such information is required to perform certain types of work;
  • by third parties providing services on behalf of or for the Company (associated with the operations of the Website);
  • by auditors and their assistants conducting audit of the Company's activities;
  • by potential buyers and investors of the Company.

The Company shall protect the client's information which was disclosed to third parties in accordance with the established rules. The Company does not disclose client's information to third parties that are unable to ensure protection of such information.


In order to ensure security of all personal data of its clients, the Company has implemented rules and technical measures of information protection. The Сompany uses the server certificate and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), the standard security technology for encrypting transmitted messages.The Company does not store its clients bank cards data.


The login and password used by the Client to access the Website are considered his private property. The Company is not responsible for the use of such data, nor does it monitor how the client manages his account using this data.

The client, in turn, is obliged to immediately inform the support about any unauthorized or suspicious activities that involve the use of their personal account.

Links to other websites and services

The Company's Website does not contain links to websites that are not controlled by the Company. The Company does not hold any responsibility for unafiliated websites that post links to its resources.

Protection of underage users

Company’s Website is an open public resource, but is not intended for children. If it becomes known to the Company that a minor has submitted or attempted to submit personal information to register on the Website as a client, the Company can remove records of such information from the server.

Changes in Rules

The Company reserves the right to make changes to the Rules. The information on such changes will be posted on the Website.


Contact Us

  • Registered Address :

    First Floor, First St. Vincent Bank Ltd Building, James Street, Kingstown, VC0100, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Mail Us

    [email protected]

  • Any Enquiries

    Phone: +442032906161