Securities and the stock market where made their purchase and sale have its origins in promissory fairs that were already known in the XIII century. Forms and procedures of trading on the stock securities market changed over the centuries but in the end it all comes down to buying and selling specific documents of a well-defined value which can rise and fall over time.
Market of the complaint of the stock market - stocks, bonds, futures and options. Also the stock market securities have a division on the motion of the type of securities: primary and secondary markets. New securities sold in the primary market, ie the first time a company sells part of its shares to make a profit, and when the holders of those shares are sold to third parties, shares go to the secondary market.
Shares - securities providing the holder the right to ownership of a share of the joint-stock company to make a profit from the activity of the company and participate in decision-making within the company.
Stocks are more common because almost all major companies withdraw their shares on the stock market securities and bonds tend to bring to the market in an unstable time for the company.
Futures - a contract for the specific conditions of sale / purchase of a specific asset at a specific date in the future but at a price set at the time of the transaction. Futures have a number of features:
- A fixed quantity of goods specified in the original contract.
- A specific period of time. Delivery of goods is carried out at a particular time when the buyer can exchange money for goods. Also the trading period is limited: after expiring deals are made on another delivery date.
Our company offers CFD trading on stocks and futures on major US indices: on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX).

CFD (Contract for Difference) - Contract for difference is a trading tool in the securities market which allows you to profit from changes in the price of the underlying asset. This mechanism exists as price changes such as a share, a price change coincides with at CFD. But when trading CFD you do not get those rights which would have received with the purchase of securities, such as CFD for shares, does not give you the right to receive profits but does not require registration procedures rights to these shares. Thus the purpose of such an instrument - speculation on the Forex market.
Thus the securities and the stock market is used for the treatment of shares, futures, bonds, options, and anyone can operate on it who has a trading account. Getting access to CFD trading on securities and the stock market you can via opening an account with our company.
Market share is a type of stock exchange and operates completely in the same way, but the subject of the treatment - only stocks. Market share is the most common due to the fact that the shares on the stock exchange prices for paper are changing faster and more frequently than at each other stock exchanges such as futures or options. Our company offers trading on the CFD on the New York Stock Exchange shares where you can perform CFD transactions in shares of large US companies.