Pelliron Universal LLC

We believe that perfect service is all things that most helps the trader to feel comfortable and safe.

After a number of established successful analytical and investment projects, it was decided to create the perfect service for trading. Company Pelliron Universal LLC has become the embodiment of all the experience and understanding of the needs of traders and investors. As the founders of the company are only traders and brokers from different spheres of investment, we try to combine all their experience in the service for the trader (the main participants and users of brokerage services).

Know more about company
% Deposit
up to 48% per annum on the active account


active cash
bonus on your trading account


trading without swaps


Why People Choose Us

Instant order execution

we make every effort to fast and qualitative performance of a trader orders the execution of orders


We guarantee the safety of customer accounts


We are always online for our clients, 24 hours support from company's specialists

Our Best Services

Double Hit Program

Affiliate program provides the customer an additional 100% of the funds to the account from the broker.

1+1 Partnership Program

Affiliate program that provide the customer an additional 100% of the funds to the account of the broker. Charging is carried out in stages to 10%. Each subsequent charging is carried out only after making the previous lots.

Trading Account Insurance Program

Unique affiliate Trading Account Insurance Program means that any trader can hedge trading account from loss. If conditions of the affiliate program after 30 days is fulfilled and if there is a loss on the trading account then trader receives a guaranteed 100% compensation in the amount of losing trades.

VIP Club

Welcome to Pelliron V.I.P. Club! V.I.P. status can afford any client with deposit from 100 000 USD. 48% per annum.

Account Priority

Priority status - assigned to accounts with a deposit amount of more than 10,000 USD.

Company's mission:

Create the ideal conditions for a comfortable trading in international financial markets.

Company's service:

Pelliron company has a perfect view of the service based on their extensive experience in trading. We believe perfect service all the things that most helps the trader to feel comfortable and safe.

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Piețele financiare mondiale – este unul din cel mai optimal, controlat și reglamentat de timp mecanism de investiții. În comparație cu alte domenii de investiții, piețele financiare au un șir de priorități incontestabile:

  • Disponibilitatea – Activitatea pe piețele financiare, nu cere rezolvarea multor probleme birocratice și este disponibilă aproape oricărui. Randamentul - Operațiunile pe piețele financiare, este una dintre cele mai profitabile legale moduri de activitate.
  • Competența – Investitorul are posibilitatea de a controla fondurile sale în orice moment, 24 de ore pe zi.
  • Lichiditatea – Majoritatea piețelor financiare mondiale, nu are restricții privind volumul de investiții. Nu este un secret faptul, că investițiile în piețele financiare este unul din cel mai profitabil tip de afaceri. Piața Forex permite clienților să câștigă, cum prin tranzacționări proprii făcute, așa și prin transmiterea mijloacelor în gestionarea comercianților cu experiență. Dar pentru un investitor, care nu dispune de fonduri mari, cunoștințe suficiente și experiență, alegerea comerciantului poate fi asociată cu un anumit risc



Contact Us

  • Registered Address :

    First Floor, First St. Vincent Bank Ltd Building, James Street, Kingstown, VC0100, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Mail Us

    [email protected]

  • Any Enquiries

    Phone: +442032906161